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Water Booster Tank Kits – Integrated

Water Booster Tank Kits – 300 Litre Slimline Integrated 4.5bar

Our Price £894.00 £745.00
  • Established 1975
  • Trusted by thousands of customers

Slimline 300 litre c/w DAB Dtron 4.5bar Pump

The 300 litre Water booster Tank Kits ‘Slimline’ are designed to be a cost effective solution to low water pressure or flow. Ideal for the customer looking to save on installation cost but still delivery an energy efficent and high quality soultion.

Providing 4.5bar and 80 l/min maximum demands.

At 600mm wide and 1200mm high the tank can fit through a standard doorway. This makes it very convenient for new or existing properties as it can be easily fitted under stairs, in a garage or in a utility room.

The slimline range is ideal for 3-5 bedroom houses, with poor water pressure and flow and where floor space is limited. The Slimine tank is completed pre-built meaning no site assembly is required.


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