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Our Price £4,866.34 £4,055.28
  • Established 1975
  • Trusted by thousands of customers

SKSS series are submersible chopper pumps with tungsted carbide tip impellers and a serrated suction cover. Ideal for pumping corrosive waste, animal waste, farm effluent, sump pits and landfill leachate that have solids which need to be shredded or chopped.

Single channel tungsten carbide tipped impeller running against a grinding diffuser plate causing the shredding action cutting soft solids into smaller parts to pump through the body to waste.

SKSS pumps all have double mechanical seals which ensure long life and reliability. The lip seals provide additional protection for the mechanical seals by keeping impurities and abrasives away.

Complete with 10 metres of power cable.

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