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Lowara Pressurisation Sets

Lowara Presfix Beta 180 (High Pressure Single Pump, max F/P 8.0 bar) UKBETA100HL80/A

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Our Price ยฃ2,867.76 ยฃ2,389.80
  • Established 1975
  • Trusted by thousands of customers

Lowara's range of Presfix Alpha and Beta pressurisation units are designed to replace water that has been lost through system leakage and to maintain the system design fill pressure in sealed heating and chilled water systems. Presfix units also provide safety circuits locking out the boiler / chiller in the advent of high/ low pressures occurring.

Lowara Presfix Beta Mk 2 High Pressure Twin Pump Enclosed Microprocessor Pressurisation Set.

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