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Lowara Pressurisation Sets

Lowara Mini Presfix 228 (Twin Pump, max F/P 2.8 bar) UKMIBE200HL28

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Our Price £2,278.92 £1,899.10
  • Established 1975
  • Trusted by thousands of customers

Presfix pressurisation units are designed to replace water that has been lost through system leakage and to maintain the system design fill pressure in sealed heating and chilled water systems in accordance with BS7074 parts 1, 2 and 3.

Presfix units also provide safety circuits locking out the boiler / chiller in the advent of high/ low pressures occurring. Expanded water is accommodated in membrane vessel/s that are supplied separately and normally installed alongside the Presfix unit. Presfix units are perfect for either domestic or industrial environments. Three levels of sophistication are offered along with two pressure ranges for the Mini Presfix and single range for Micro Presfix units.

All levels provide volt free contacts that can be used to interface with either a Business Management System or any other type of monitoring system. Presfix units have flow limiting devices to help prevent plant rooms from flooding in the advent of system pipe/fitting failure.


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