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Our borehole drilling methods are equally proficient for both domestic and commercial water supplies, with our experienced and dedicated team capable of gaining access to groundwater – often a hidden asset for many communities.

Borehole drilling for water involves a specially engineered hole in the ground, designed to make provision for water to flow into this area. A pump can subsequently be installed to allow extraction of groundwater.

Groundwater is recouped from rain which infiltrates into the ground, primarily through the winter months. However, aquifers within a well or borehole are naturally susceptible to pollution and contamination and it is therefore important to prevent surface contaminants at source.

Borehole Drilling Pumps

How does a borehole work?

Boreholes are drilled to a depth below the natural water table – this can be as deep as 200 metres below the ground. Using a portable drilling rig, special corrosion resistant cylindrical submersible borehole pumps are used in conjunction with small storage tanks to retain extracted water.

Our team is proficient in the following fields:

  • Well Drilling
  • Drilling for the provision of either a domestic or commercial water supply
  • Full installation service including pumps, trenching etc.
  • Site investigation
  • In-depth understanding of all Shell & Auger procedures
  • Limited Access Locations
  • Specially modified modular rigs for restricted access

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your very own private water supply just metres away in your back garden? Aside from receiving your regular water supply from the local water authority it may be financially viable to install your own private borehole for domestic or commercial use. Not only can this help to make your home or business more self-sufficient, it provides water that is free of chlorine and fluorides.

Call our friendly team today on 01473 719950 for further advice on connecting your home or business premises to a borehole.

View our Borehole Pumps

One from the records

Borehole drilling in the 1930s