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Do you have low water pressure in your home or commercial premises? There are 4 common causes that could be causing your showers or taps to underperform and the good news is there are some straightforward fixes that will have your commercial sinks and domestic baths filling up again in no time.

Do you have a leak?

First check your system for any leaks. Close off the main stopcock and see whether the meter reading changes after a couple of hours. If it does it indicates your pipes are leaking and you’ll need to undertake a visual inspection to identify the source of the problem. You’ll need a plumber to make a robust and long-lasting repair.

Are your pipes clogged and corroded?

Corrosion isn’t the only cause of clogging in your water system but rusted pipes are a major cause of debris and clogging. If there’s a fracture in the mains, all kinds of debris can enter your piping, constricting the flow and causing pressure to drop.

Are your valves open?

A drop in pressure can be caused by something as simple as a semi-open valve. If any plumbing work has been undertaken recently, and the valves have been turned off, do a check to make sure they’re now fully open and running at maximum capacity. Problems can also be caused by broken valves, so run a standard maintenance check and identify any that need repair.

Is your pump underperforming?

In a domestic setting you may use a pump to boost existing low water pressure, and your commercial premises will almost certainly be using a pump to equalise pressure and flow around larger premises. Your routine preventative maintenance programme should flag up any issues with your pump performing below capacity due to age, malfunction or simply not being powerful enough. At Anglian Pumping Services we can supply top of the range water boosting pumps from market leaders like Grundfos that are designed to boost water pressure for domestic and commercial use.

One of our best-selling water boosting pumps is the DAB E.Sybox which comes with a 3 year approved warranty!

Contact the professionals

We offer much more than a range of water pumps. We can also fit, maintain and service your water boosting pump for optimised performance. Contact us today for more details.