Harvested rainwater is frequently saved up and used to water gardens or potted plants during dry spells. However, even if you don’t own a garden or any house-plants, you can still benefit from rainwater harvesting.
Collected rainwater has a variety of surprising uses that you may not have thought about. Here at Anglian Pumping Services, we’re passionate about helping you put your rainwater to good use. Consequently, we’d like to use this blog entry to showcase some of the less obvious ways you can use harvested rainwater.
1. Washing your car
Washing your car can be an expensive business, due to the amount of water it requires. Luckily, you can use harvested rainwater to clean your vehicle without pushing up your water bill. Of course, rainwater can sometimes contain pollutants, so you may think that you can’t use it to wash your car. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. You can use a water filtration system to remove contaminants from your rainwater, thereby making it pure enough to be used in cleaning. Of course, you may not want to take a bath in filtered rainwater, but it’s perfectly acceptable for car-washing.
2. Doing the laundry
Filtered rainwater can be used to clean your clothes as well as your car. Rainwater can be fed into your washing machine in place of your regular water supply. Alternatively, you can heat it to the required temperature and do your laundry with it manually. You might be surprised by how effective filtered rainwater can be for washing your clothes.
3. Flushing your toilet
Harvested rainwater is very handy for flushing your toilet. Normally, toilets draw from the same water supply as your taps, so flushing them effects your water bill. Why should you have to spend money just to flush your toilet? Re-purpose rainwater to flush it instead.
Here at Anglian Pumping Services, we know that harvested rainwater can be used in many areas of day-to-day life. By using it to clean your car, do your laundry or simply flush your toilet, you can save money and avoid wasting water. Why not invest in a rainwater harvesting pump and water filtration system today?