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With global warming and climate change getting increased attention, the importance of water is in the public eye, and we’re gradually realising that clean water shouldn’t be taken for granted. 

What is rainwater harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is the very simple process of collecting water that naturally falls as rain, and storing it for use at a later time. This is usually done by collecting water that falls on rooftops and storing it in rainwater tanks. Harvesting can also be done using dams to collect runoff rain that has fallen to the ground. Rainwater harvesting is an increasingly common practice on dry continents, such as Africa and Australia, and is now growing in popularity across the rest of the world, as more and more people come to understand how precious water is. 

What are the benefits of rainwater harvesting?

It’s entirely possible to be self-sufficient through rainwater harvesting, and ensure you rely only on water collected rather than your city water supply. Being largely or entirely self-sufficient when it comes to water use has financial benefits and is far better for the environment.

Through the direct capture of water we can reduce the amount we rely on water storage dams by a considerable amount. This in turn puts less strain on the dams, and potentially reduces the need to expand them, or build new dams in the future.

The collection and use of your own water will also significantly reduce – or even negate – your water bills. 

Further benefits include safeguarding your home and neighbourhood by minimising the flow of storm water. The more water is harvested, the less there is to flood storm systems. This reduces the risk of floods that can damage houses and other property.

Is the water clean?

One concern about rainwater harvesting is that the water is dirty, either naturally or due to dirty rooftops and guttering. There are numerous ‘first flush’ devices available, that allow for the diversion of the first flow of water to the storage tank. This ensures any built up dirt on the roof is not deposited in the tank. The rainwater itself is naturally very clean.

Rainwater storage tanks

The size of tank you will need will depends on a variety of factors, including historic rainfall data, the performance of a given tank, and how much water you need to store. They are available in a variety of sizes to meet different requirements.

Anglian Pumping provide a great variety of Rainwater harvesting pumps from top brands such as DAB and Lowara. To see these products click here.

Contact us today on 01473 719950 to see how you can make the most of the British weather and harvest your rainwater.